The Cyclotron Institute Directory

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Your search for people within Accelerator Division returned 16 results:

Name Position Extension E-mail
Avila, Geoffrey Research Assistant 288
Clark, Henry L. Accelerator Physicist 262
Cohen, Jeffery Benjamin Research Specialist I
Garcia ruiz, Carlos Arturo Research Instrumentation Specialist
Hoagland, Michael John Accelerator Technician I
Horvat, Vladimir Research Scientist 246
Junek, Johnnie Accelerator Technician I 248
Kennas, Miltiadis D. Research Associate 235
Kim, George J. Accelerator Physicist 276
May, Donald P. Accelerator Physicist 278
Ochoa, Brennan Lee Accelerator Technician I
Park, Hyo-In Accelerator Physicist 302
Roeder, Brian Accelerator Physicist 251
Sherman, Daniel A. Accelerator Technician II 248
Stone, Kolby Accelerator Technician I
Tabacaru, Gabriel C. Accelerator Physicist 277